Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Binkie Fairy came

The binkie fairy came to our house a few weeks ago. Yes, Cassie is almost two and a half, and still used a binkie at nap and bed time. Enough was enough so we put all of her binkies in a bag for the fairy to take away. The girls also added a small table with treats and water for her, along with a bed just in case she was tired from the long "flight". The fairy took the binkies and left her a stuffed bear, "Penny". She was really excited about it. Although it took her a little while to adjust, she has done really well, and hasn't even asked about her "di di" for over a week. It has made the potty training go back a few steps, but hey, one thing at a time.


Kirstynn Evans said...

YAAY! I am so proud of you! Can I ship Nora out there for a week, then you can send her back to me with no bibi's and potty trained! Is it a deal? I tried it on her 2nd birthday, but I gave in. I AM SO WEAK!!!

Jenessa said...

That is a great idea. One of my brothers had a binkie until he was almost four.